New officers being sworn in. Pictured left to right: Matthew Murphy, Douglas Churchill, Martin Gotwalt, Michael Venturo, and Matthew Palmer
Do you want your photo featured in the newsletter? Send photos to gvlsany@gmail.com You will recieve a gift card if we use your photo.
From the President’s Desk
Happy New Year fellow surveyors. I would like to introduce myself as your president for 2023. I’ve had the pleasure of serving as vice president for a few years now and am excited to take over the top spot. I have met many of you at various functions and meetings, but incase I haven’t, here is a little bit of my background. I graduated from Alfred in 2010 with a 4 year surveying degree. I initially started out in the construction management program but decided to switch to surveying after learning about the profession in the surveying 1 and 2 classes. I’ve worked here in Rochester since graduation bouncing around to the various local firms. I was able to collect a diverse background of experience that landed me at my current position as senior land surveyor for NYSDOT Region 4.
Here are a few things I am looking forward to in 2023:
- We will be holding a spring and fall webinar for continuing education credits. These are by far the most popular events the association holds.
- Planning for the spring Finger Lakes dinner and presentation will be starting soon. If you have any suggestions for a location or topic, please email me at gvlsany@gmail.com.
- October dinner at the Yard of Ale in Piffard.
Here are some things I would like to work on this year:
- Updating our constitution and bylaws to make sure we are benefiting the membership.
- Looking into possible changes in meeting schedule and venue to encourage attendance.
- Reorganize and staff our committees.
- Boost associate membership.
- Reestablish relationships with our neighbor associations.
- Hold a summer social program for members and their families.
Obviously, none of this will be possible without the support of the BOD and membership. I look forward to seeing you all this year.
Thank you,
Matthew Palmer, LS
New GVLSA Officers
New officers were sworn in at the annual membership meeting on December 15, 2022. The following officers were voted in by the membership.
Matthew Palmer, LS
Vice President:
Martin Gotwalt, LS
Michael Venturo, LS
Board Members:
Matthew Murphy, LS
Douglas Churchill, LS
Associate Director:
Keith Burley, LSIT
They will join the current board members:
David Standinger, LS
Christopher Locke, LS
Robert Avery, LS
Nathan Dunn, LS
I would like to thank our officers for their continued dedication to GVLSA and our profession.
NYSAPLS Conference 2023
January 18-20
I’ve been keeping an eye on the registrations and it looks like we will have over 60 GVLSA members in attendance along with the over 700 total attendees. I am looking forward to having an in person event where we can talk shop and share ideas with surveyors all over the state.
I’ll be carrying these stickers around at the conference. Ask for one when you see me.
Keith Burley Named Associate of the Year

Our region’s own Keith Burley was recently named Associate of the Year by NYSAPLS for demonstrating outstanding leadership and deep commitment to professionalism and career advancement in the field of land surveying.
Congratulations to Keith, he will be honored at the upcoming conference at a ceremony held at Wednesday January 18, at noon.
Final Point Monument for Robert Prescott
After years of back and forth with various local government agencies, Roy Garfinkel has finally secured a location for the final point monument honoring Bob Prescott. Bob dedicated many years of service to the surveying industry. He was a former president of GVLSA, NYSAPLS, and NSPS, and was the Monroe County surveyor for over 20 years.
The county has agreed to allow GVLSA to set a monument at Ellison Park near Blossom Road . GVLSA is looking for volunteers to help set and GPS the monument this spring. If you are interested, reach out to Roy at rbg38@hotmail.com
Find the latest news from NYSAPLS here.
Congratulations to Frank Russell for winning the May Test Question.
Submit a correct answer to the following question and be entered to win a prize.
On an ALTA/NSPS survey, you find a building that overlaps the property boundary. For this situation, on the survey map you show it as:
A. an adverse possession
B. a prescriptive easement
C. a potential encroachment and dimension it
D. a license to possess
- NYAPLS Annual Conference – Turning Stone Casino – January 18-20 – Info here
- Friday Webinar: Professional Ethics for the Land Surveyor – February 3 – 8:30am – Register here
- GVLSA BOD and Regular Member Meeting – Thursday February 16 – 7:00pm – 933a University Ave
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